Millions Excluded From SASSA SRD R350 Grant – Report


In recent times, a distressing revelation has come to light, exposing the plight of millions of impoverished South Africans who are being left out of the much-needed SASSA SRD R350 Grant. Various factors such as issues with banking details, phone number verification, limited internet access, lack of smart devices, unjustified declines, delayed payments, and unresolved appeals have led to the exclusion of these vulnerable individuals from receiving essential financial support. This blog post aims to shed light on this critical situation and call upon SASSA and the government to prioritize and address the needs of these marginalized citizens.


1. Banking Details and Phone Number Verification:

One of the primary reasons for exclusion from the SASSA SRD R350 Grant is the difficulty faced by individuals in providing accurate and updated banking details. Many impoverished South Africans do not have access to traditional banking services, resulting in complications during the application process. Additionally, challenges with phone number verification further exacerbate the issue, hindering effective communication and updates regarding the grant.

SASSA SRD R350 Grant
SASSA SRD R350 Grant

2. Limited Internet Access and Non-Availability of Smart Devices:

The digital divide remains a significant hurdle for those living in poverty, as a considerable portion of the population lacks reliable internet access and smart devices. The application process heavily relies on online platforms, making it inaccessible to those who cannot afford internet services or do not possess the necessary technology. This exclusion perpetuates the cycle of poverty and further marginalizes vulnerable individuals who are in dire need of financial assistance.

3. Undue Decline of Applicants and Delayed Payments:

Another troubling aspect is the arbitrary rejection of applicants who meet the eligibility criteria. This unjust decline of deserving candidates denies them access to much-needed financial support. Furthermore, even for those who have been approved, delayed payment dates have become a distressing reality. As a result, individuals are left in a state of uncertainty and are unable to rely on the grant for their basic needs.

4. Lingering Appeals Applications:

Adding to the frustration and despair of those left out of the grant, appeals applications submitted by eligible individuals have been in limbo since the previous year. The lack of progress in resolving these appeals demonstrates a clear oversight and negligence, leaving these individuals without a voice or avenue for recourse. It is essential for SASSA and the government to address these appeals promptly and provide timely solutions to rectify any errors or oversights.

5. The Need for Immediate Government Intervention:

The SASSA SRD R350 Grant was introduced to alleviate the burden of poverty and provide much-needed relief to those most vulnerable in society. However, the current situation reveals a significant failure in ensuring the grant reaches its intended recipients. It is imperative for SASSA and the government to acknowledge these issues and take immediate action to address the exclusion of millions of impoverished South Africans from the grant.


The exclusion of millions of impoverished South Africans from the SASSA SRD R350 Grant due to issues with banking details, phone number verification, limited internet access, non-availability of smart devices, unjustified declines, delayed payments, and unresolved appeals is a matter of utmost concern. These vulnerable individuals rely on this grant as a lifeline to meet their basic needs, and their exclusion only perpetuates the cycle of poverty and exacerbates their hardship. SASSA and the government must prioritize resolving these issues, ensuring that the grant reaches those who need it the most, and take steps to bridge the digital divide, provide alternative application channels, and expedite the resolution of appeals. It is crucial to stand in solidarity with these marginalized citizens and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

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